Have a seat. Relax. If you're willing to help me find 1 million visitors...JUST VISITORS...from the US then I'm willing to make it worth your trouble unto your favorite charity and mine St.Jude's Children's Research Hospital!Look, I'll make a deal with every single visitor that comes to my little blog post here, once every 24 hours: If this particular blog post of mine ever gets 1 million unique visits (every 24 hours), in any ONE DAY, from US surfers, I'll give $1,000 USD to St Jude's Children's Research Hospital!
That's just visitors! No sales, visits, hits, or other actions required. All I need are ONE MILLION, unique-per-24-hours, US visitors, to this blog post, in any ONE 24-hour period, to generate a $1,000 donation to one of the best (I think you'll agree) charities on earth!
That offer breaks down to $1 USD per every thousand US visitors, within any day.
I know that's not a lot of money. But I don't think it's too bad considering I'm only asking you to visit and share once daily. If you 'look around' on the blog, that doesn't hurt either, but you're not even required to do that!. How's that for simple and affordable way to help a great charity?
We're completely sponsored already so we're not even trying to get you to buy advertising (visit the 'your ad here' link if you want to...cheap!) or any sort of membership, trial, or other commitment. You will not be required to ever cancel anything to avoid any fees of any sort.
ALL I'm asking of you today is to try to enjoy me, and share me, for that is all I can rightfully ask with my art. Is this not so?
If you, the soul currently reading this page only share me successfully with two others who do the same, we will succeed! If every single reader who reads this, found those two within the next thirty minutes, we'll achieve this on the first day!! Realistically, we may not do this on the first day, but wait til you read the BEST part!
Even if we only try, and don't even come 10% of the way, St Jude's still earns!
Please bear in mind the number reflected in the counter below is an up-to-date counter and represents the total and not necessarily the number for any given particular month. Whatever level/amount of live, unique, US visitors you do share my blog with, I'll still donate $1 per thousand to St Jude's!
I'm not asking, leading, tricking, or cajoling anyone into buying anything/service/plan at all either (but for the idea of helping a great cause in St Jude's)!
Thus far we only need 999,921 more today! Please share us with all of your friends right now!
Many of you may be thinking "Great! Another guy offering to do a fundraiser to get page-views!" Well...yeah! But they have to be US page views to be funded. Yes. I want to give back a little and St Jude's is probably one of the few real charities left to help.
Seems the homeless situation here in Meadville is as repaired as anyone here wants it to be. So I'm moving on to another project. This one.
Thank you!We've earned $.14 USD for St. Jude's! Bring in more by sending this particular link to everyone you know! Tweet/#RT us at http://tinyurl.com/yde99jv #RT #follow @nostate please!
Not all hits are eligible. All eligible visits must be US. Share us in a chain email please!
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