Okay, the festivities of the holidays are gone. Everybody's company has gone home. You are just finishing off the rest of that leftover turkey. Now what to do? Are you bored? Here are a few suggestions on how to waste a perfectly good evening.
Top Time Waster #1: Write ridiculous haiku riddles for others to solve. No, wait, that's my thing, you have to find something else. Just in case your interested, take a look at these little
Top Time Waster #2: Complete that pulisher's clearinghouse sweepstakes entry. Then, wait for the Prize Patrol to come knocking on your door!
Top Time Waster #3: Play Bejeweled on Facebook. Annoy all your friends by achieving the highest score. Then you can send them all little quirky remarks about how they will never beat you because you RULE Bejeweled! Be prepared for arthritis to set in your elbows and fingers and to see double for a few hours...Go here for the rest!
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