If any readers are of the mind to, they're more than welcome to give it a whirl. They've done nothing but send me money. Sign up is totally free.
Number one oldest Redgage.com friend: Anamika. Other than being my first friend connection on Redgage.com, I'm not even sure if I've ever communicated with this individual. But, give 'em credit where credit's due, right?
Number two oldest Redgage.com friend: lkristensen. I'm thinking maybe this gal and I have written for a mutual website, at least once before. She seems nice.
Number three oldest Redgage.com friend: kfuentes1216. I'm pretty sure this fellow RedGager and I have written for the same website somewhere. To avoid the need for permissions, let's not plug anyone but RedGage.com in this tonight.
Number four oldest Redgage.com friend: JanetHunt (aka “My sweet Babbette”). I like this fellow member so much I moved to Louisiana to meet, and fall for her, and her whole family. Good people.
Number five oldest Redgage.com friend: desertdarlene. I'm absolutely certain this fellow Redgage member and I have written for another mutual website.
Number six oldest Redgage.com friend: Kylyssa (aka “Kitten.” Kylyssa is of such a talent, amongst those web writers calling for reason, she deserves additional referrals. The young, virile mind of my little buddy challenges myth and superstition over the entire known web simultaneously! This writer is worth reading.
Grab my Redgage RSS feed.

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