An estimated 25,000 people are purposefully being displaced from their homes and lives, in order to save a greater number, within the two cities. Besides the simple math of Louisiana's Great Gambit, to destroy Baton Rouge or New Orleans with flood-waters would be to cripple a state's economy, and those ripple effects, would be felt nation-wide.
As the Morganza opens, some adventurous camera crew and reporter thought enough of us all to capture some of the moment, from an overhead perspective. In the video, readers can see the first of the thee bays officials have opened. From just that one, 125,000 cubic feet of water gush.
Two other spillways have been opened already in the effort to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans: The Bonnet Carre, and prior to that, the New Madrid in Missouri. Of the mostly rural areas flooded in the move, Butte La Rose has enjoyed the most coverage from CNN, but to forget all of the good, Cajun folk impacted by this event, is impossible.
The Red Cross is reported to have made 3,000 beds available. But with a number like 25,000, it's a matter for most to find shelter with friends, family, or other resources. So, for those of us in the world, still able to do so, it's imperative you visit, and make any contribution possible. While, fortunately, this isn't so much a blood drive, as it is a food/clothing/supplies drive, it still requires funds to be executed.
We Americans have been great about helping other countries. Japan, Haiti, and Indonesia come immediately to mind, so we can also be just as good to our fellow Americans in Louisiana, hurt by the flood resulting from opening the Morganza Spillway.

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