While such a scenario would be ideal, were it possible on Facebook or Twitter, it's just not. Few affiliate marketers find raging success on either social networking platform. Why? There are just too many distractions from the goal.
How many different apps might the average reader of this piece get sent daily? How many game invitations, gifts, and “questions?” Now, how many different groups and/or events have come in, this past week alone? Anyone who has ever experienced Facebook knows exactly the experience of getting Facebooked.
Now, imagine having a vast array of those same products and services, and a vast, growing, friendly readership, who make money from their social networking activity? How many more of your shares might you imagine being read, now? Imagine a social networking platform where a marketer gets paid to just find readers to see offer links!
Regardless of who clicks-through, reads, bookmarks, shares, or simply skims, branded-affiliate marketers can use Redgage.com to share their wares, and in return for using the ad-supported template, get paid for placing those links, images, videos, and music tracks to share. It's that simple. Artists and musicians encouraged (pleaded with and cajoled, also) to join. Sign up right now, by clicking here! Membership is 100% free to all!. Nothing to buy, or join, other than our social networking community. We're so glad to have you aboard.

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