Brian Terry’s MURDER was supposed to give the gun-grabbers another statistic -- “proving” the need for more funding and more anti-gun agents for the out-of-control Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).
And with any luck, they hoped, it would also allow anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder to set the stage for a new, PERMANENT “Assault Weapons” Ban.
But that was BEFORE news broke that the BATFE had been sitting on its hands for years while it watched Mexican gangs use “straw purchasers” to buy firearms in the U.S. and then walk the guns over the border.
And now, thanks to “Project Gunrunner,” one of those firearms was likely used to MURDER Brian Terry!
That’s why it’s vital you click here and sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators DEMANDING they fully investigate the BATFE’s “Project Gunwalker” -- and stop any funding increases for this rogue agency.
The truth is, the BATFE has never been afraid to spill innocent Americans’ blood in their headlong rush for more money and more power.
But today, they’re asking Congress for 200 new agents and $54 MILLION in anti-gun slush funds to terrorize law-abiding Second Amendment supporters -- even while BATFE agents are refusing to talk about “Project Gunrunner!”
The reason is simple. They’re flat-out terrified at just how high up in the Justice Department this scandal could go!
Well, I hope you agree it’s flat-out UNNACCEPTABLE for an over-funded, power-hungry and entirely unnecessary law enforcement agency to enable criminals to do their worst -- just to grab more funding power and further their anti-gun agenda.
That’s why it’s vital you take this actions IMMEDIATELY.
Please click here and sign the enclosed petition to your Congressman and Senators DEMANDING they fully investigate the BATFE’s “Project Gunwalker” -- and stop any funding increases for this rogue agency.

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