It never pays to buy into every rumor on Facebook. It's bad enough when someone believes everything they read on the site. It's even worse when someone lets those Facebook rumors make them angry without checking out the accuracy of those rumors. But to go and make a threat to President Obama and his children like California politician Jules Manson did? That's just plain stupid.
First, it's criminal to call for the assassination of the president. Secondly, his children? Come on...his kids? What the hell did they do? And thirdly, to be so pissed off about a Facebook rumor that's just so...inaccurate. Wow. You big dummy.
Well, we're all human. And I wanted to give him the chance to explain himself and what he said. So I sent him a few questions. They are as follows:
DP: “Jules Manson, A firestorm erupted over a recent post (Author's note: In case the Examiner article fails to load some reason, here's the article is available on ) in which you stated - in regards to President Obama 'Assassinate the f***en n***er and his monkey children.'
'Do you regret the statement? And would you like a chance to rephrase?'
'What motivated you to make such a statement?'
'Do you feel Ron Paul supports your position? And more importantly, would you consider dropping your public support of Congressman Paul to spare him the embarrassment?'
'In case the Secret Service does come to talk with you on this subject, how will you deal with it? Will you try to fight any charges in court?'
'Also, as a dad myself, I really feel you should leave the Obama kids out of all of this. What were you thinking to mention his kids as well? Why drag his children into it?'
'In regards to these statements, on the off chance you do end up facing charges, will you indemnify Ron Paul by stating clearly, your statements do not reflect his position?'”
Thus were my questions. Jules chose to make one solid statement to me, rather than answer each question independently. So, I'm going to share his reply just as he sent it to me. I feel this is the fairest way possible to allow him to defend himself. Other than the combining of individual messages into one paragraph, no other changes have been made to his words. I can provide screen-shots if necessary.
JM: “Sure thing Donald Pennington
Thank you for allowing me to respond to this.
You are all correct. I have since had time to think about what I wrote. I went way too far but it was only an emotional over-reaction to learning that our president had signed away some of our constitutional protections. That is all it was and I meant no harm to come to anyone. For this I apologize to all you good people especially to all black Americans (including the president and his family) who may have been offended at my racial epithets or taken my statements as genuine. I also accept whatever comes my way.
I am a very emotionally driven person and often react before I have had time to calm down. I realize that nothing good can come from such statements. Again I wish to stress that I have many black friends who may find my disgusting statements offensive including many other black people I have never met. For this I deeply regret. I also wish to stress to the president himself and his family my deepest regret and apology.
However, we MUST remain very vocal about what this government is becoming. This is the only land that I know and love. It is why I am so vocal about it. If I had not cared enough, I would have remained quiet like most people.
I do not intend on ever stopping my very vocal dissent about its oppressive policies. It is my hope that this issue may have awakened all Americans to the steady erosion of our constitutional protections. This is the only thing people should be incensed about. Not my careless emotionally driven words on a facebook [sic] page.
My statements have nothing to do with Ron Paul or the Libertarian Party or anything else political. They were really me being human in a very disgusting way as most of us are guilty of sometimes in our lives. This was one such moment for me. I really do not wish for this to hurt his campaign as he really is the right man for the job.”
In summary of the discussion with Jules Manson, I'll still disagree with his use of the racial slur, the threats of violence against the president and the wholly unnecessary comment about the president's kids.
But everyone, even the most depraved of mass-murderers on trial, get a chance to defend themselves or at least explain their side. And this was yours, Jules Manson. (I'm not saying you are a depraved mass murderer. I'm just saying even they get a chance for defense.)
I will, however, say that you are a dumbass. If this is how you react in anger – to throw racial slurs, threaten violence and attack children – then I am glad for the people of California that you blew your chance in politics. I'm also quite glad you exposed the real you in such a public way, before anyone else gets dragged into your secret room-of-stupid-bullshit-within-your-head. I'm also taking you off of my friends list.
Don't be so quick to believe silly Facebook rumors from other stupid people. Facebook is just like any other community, in that, the majority of the populace are just a bunch of big dummies – big, fat, thoughtless dummies. And you fit right in.
His response on Facebook
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Dec 19, 2011
Interviewing Jules Manson, The California politician who threatened President Obama and his children on Facebook
Posted by
Donald Pennington
12:43 PM
death threats,
Facebook is a bunch of big dummies,
Facebook rumors,
ignorance gone to seed,
Jules Manson,
President Barack Obama,

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3 Whaddya Think?:
Don, you rightfully condemn the "dumbass" Jules Manson because you "disagree with his use of the racial slur, the threats of violence against the president and the wholly unnecessary comment about the president's kids."
But as a black father who teaches non-violent communication as one of the most effective ways to settle differences, I have to take my disagreement with Mr. Manson a step further.
He didn't merely use any old racial slur, but the one specifically designed to communicate to a black man like our President that his true place in society is at the bottom, beneath and at the humble service of people like Mr. Mason based solely upon his skin coloring.
He didn't merely threaten violence against a sitting American President, he published an open call to over two thousand of his followers, of any various unknown degrees of sanity, to commit murder against the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
And to top it off, he didn't just make "wholly unnecessary comment about the president's kids," he referred to the man's two beautiful little girls with a nasty racial slur while also angrily calling for the murder of these innocent children.
But other than my stronger level of disagreement with this dumbass, I do agree with your assessment of the secret room-of-stupid-bullshit-within-his-head.
Don, you rightfully condemn the "dumbass" Jules Manson because you "disagree with his use of the racial slur, the threats of violence against the president and the wholly unnecessary comment about the president's kids."
But as a black father who teaches non-violent communication as one of the most effective ways to settle differences, I have to take my disagreement with Mr. Manson a step further.
He didn't merely use any old racial slur, but the one specifically designed to communicate to a black man like our President that his true place in society is at the bottom, beneath and at the humble service of people like Mr. Mason based solely upon his skin coloring.
He didn't merely threaten violence against a sitting American President, he published an open call to over two thousand of his followers, of any various unknown degrees of sanity, to commit murder against the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
And to top it off, he didn't just make "wholly unnecessary comment about the president's kids," he referred to the man's two beautiful little girls with a nasty racial slur while also angrily calling for the murder of these innocent children.
But other than my stronger level of disagreement with this dumbass, I do agree with your assessment of the secret room-of-stupid-bullshit-within-his-head.
We're in agreement, Mark. The racism, the threats of violence and going after someone's kids...that's just not something I can support.
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