I know the subject of the possibility of legal marijuana and decriminalization is a sensitive one for most folks in the world today. I also understand that millions upon millions of good people have been hurt by bad people on both sides of the law on this issue of decriminalization already. This is merely an opinion piece in regards to a very common social condition and I would strongly advise against the participation in any activity which is currently illegal even while advocating decriminalization.
Personal discussion is welcome in the form of rational, mature, respectful comments. Questions are welcome. I'll do all that I can. I'll even admit if I find myself somehow "wrong." But, can an opinion be "wrong," or can they only be different?
You might even want to investigate whether it's even legal where you are, for you to be reading this sort of an opinion piece about decriminalization, in your community. I am presenting this particular topic of decriminalization solely for the purposes of, discussion as adults, at most, but at least for your entertainment, and consideration only. We Americans should all so exercise our freedom of speech...whether on the topic of decriminalization or any other topic.
It's time for America to discuss, through proper legal channels, the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use and possession. Doesn't it make some sense to rationally discuss reasons to legalize marijuana in the first place? There might be solutions to many of our country's ills by mere decriminalization. There is often more to the analysis of any given subject of unpopular topics than what seems apparent.
I'm not bringing up the subject of decriminalization as a wannabe comedian. There are serious issues we Americans are facing that can easily be solved by decriminalization of marijuana. And when I mention the subject, I'm asking decriminalization to be considered by acceptable processes first, and even then, still never the personal use of marijuana.
It's foolish to smoke the stuff. But we should consider exploiting the market. I'm also not in support of "drugs" in general. The only substance that, should even be considered as an option for legalization, is marijuana. Tobacco should be under tighter controls than marijuana. Ideally, folks would be free of any external substance requirements in order to live long, prosperous, fulfilling lives but reality now is what it is, that decriminalization of marijuana might be a good option for public funding and other reasons discussed here today. Let's remain as totally objective as we can here.
Also, unlike 99.9975% of all other posters and bloggers speaking on the issue of marijuana decriminalization, I'm putting my usual name to it. It's something people need to speak up for if you're in support of the decriminalization of a natural substance.
I'm just hoping that folks will come to understand the details of the points I want to make today and share their views. If we all consider the points made here more of you will understand why marijuana should be legal here in the United States.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Ten
I'm a Darwinian- It's a personal reason really. If somebody else is interested in spending their own personal spin on the globe smoking themselves stupid it's their right to live that way. No entity on earth, including government, should ever bear the power to tell individuals how to live or what to do with their personal bit of time in life. You can call this my own personal version of a religious viewpoint. The other reasons are based solely on logic.
Let the "peasantry" have their "buzz." If the government successfully control the pothead they will one day control the farmer. We are to be a nation founded on certain individual freedoms.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Nine
Take a bite outta crime!- The units of operation that produce for their customers have enjoyed a long enough run from, the exorbitantly high mark up on their product, due to the incorrect, illegal, classification of marijuana. The organizations producing marijuana would either be forced to compete legally and legitimately or simply go out of business due to lack of certification, taxes, and other requirements. Gangs and organized crime will weaken soft.
In fact, before their demise, those groups will probably squander what fortunes they now have in an anti-decriminalization campaign to keep their profits high.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Eight
Supporting industries would benefit too.- How many side businesses would spring up from any industry that millions and millions and millions of Americans support passionately?
Besides the farming, manufacturing, processing, and shipping needs of such a popular product, there will be business and cottage industries born within communities all over America. That's not even going into detail about the...
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Seven
...jobs.- Did somebody mention jobs? My "guesstimation" that a minimum 100 people, on average, per community, would find gainful employment, in every single community in America. In some communities, larger cities, thousands and thousands of people would find work in the legal marijuana industry.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Six
Tax Dollars.- Now we have a bailout to cover. Why stick our grandchildren with it? Need we to discuss this point further? Then you just don't read enough. Sorry. I know. I know. Maybe we shouldn't have done the bailouts in the first place but we did. Now somebody's gotta pay for it.
GM and Chrysler could make a ton of federal reserve notes backing the new "green farmer."
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Five
By-products.- Clothing would become cheaper and of higher quality. Paper prices would drop. The edible components of the plant would lower many costs associated with food production. In fact, I'll make such a sweeping statement as: "There is no industry that would not benefit from the legalization of marijuana." Consumers would find it easier to buy at lower prices.
Money would flow again all over America. People would be making more money and spending less of it to get by. That means more "disposable" income overall. Prosperity is what it's all about after all. Right?
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Four
Health care.- How many back pain sufferers are there in America alone? How many thousands of people could benefit from the use of medical marijuana for their own treatment? How many new medical products that will branch off from pharmaceutical research?
Also, if people are allowed to be high on marijuana then the use of other, currently illicit substances will actually drop. And those still not able to stop any substance alone will be able to get help, in a more understanding society, without so much of the "stigma" attached. Who's not admired for being an ex-smoker? Overall addictions themselves would be recovered from throughout American society.
Freedom from the laws against marijuana would also make it reasonably fearless for the true addict to find help, should they want to quit, themselves. You can call the mass recovery my hidden eleventh reason.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Three
Stricter health controls.- Illegal marijuana often comes mixed with other harmful, more toxic drugs (laced). Inspections and regulation of legal marijuana would ensure prevention of contamination.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number Two
Other people's religious freedoms.- Just because I don't see your life the way you do doesn't mean you don't see your life the way you do. Some people just believe differently than others do.
Even I, the Meat Computer, claim my rights to believe the way I do...regardless of where anyone else stands and therefore must respect those same rights of others... ,but especially when they disagree with mine.
Top Ten Reasons for decriminalization of Marijuana Number One
Racism- The original reason that marijuana was classified as "illegal" in the first place, is that back in 1913, more people still believed in the myth(s) of "race" and a general consensus of European-descended government interests, determined to limit the influx of Mexicans into Arizona, by criminalizing marijuana. The original, initial intent to criminalize marijuana, was solely for hateful, mythical, racist belief systems.
Racial differences are not supported by genetic evidence. Humans are humans are humans. Since the initial reasons marijuana was criminalized under a false foundation as being based on racism then shouldn't we also debate the all of supporting logic against legal marijuana?
If said supporting logic was in support of a fiction and myths, then doesn't that alone, make such said support fictional and a myth? There are questions we're not asking ourselves about decriminalizing marijuana, in support of, a consensus, of a societal structure, that hasn't existed in decades.
Personal opinion
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