Still, a blogger like Perez Hilton comes along, and mad page views happen for him. He says something, and folks everywhere share him all over Facebook, or MySpace, or whatever. Somehow, somewhere, some way, I will find the secret to being shared like that. Could the trick be, to be even less intelligent than Perez Hilton, only in my posts? Maybe if all I do is speak in even more ignorant terms, the better of a chance I have to be shared, compared to, and laughed at! Whatever it takes to get the page views from the correct demographics.
If a guy like Perez Hilton can do it, come on! What in the world am I holding back for? My secret might just be to be even more ridiculously pointless. Perhaps even a few cases of running off the point, onto a tangent, every now and again. That's what will keep readers involved. Or, not. Would/Could you just share me on Facebook, please?

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