Every reader of this post who merely uses the add this feature of this post to share it on their Facebook profile, will contribute towards a penny for Japan. A penny isn't much, I know. But, hear me out: All I'm asking is for readers ( that's you) to share this post with just four others, who do the same. You share me to others, and when they do, you get to be a part of doing some good for decent people.
What happens is, you share us with four others, who share us with four others, each, who all share us with four others each, and so on, and so on until we're shared to millions and millions of readers. That's my goal. For helping me to do just that, I'll show my gratitude with a simple act for a number of people in distress. Is that reasonable enough to win your participation, and perhaps a new reader/follower?
Many of you have already given to Japan, and that is good. I'm not asking for a single cent from readers, in any way. (Nobody representing me here, is, either.) In fact, we're the ones offering to send a cent on your behalf, and on behalf of everyone else, too. This will add up to a considerable contribution to the people of Japan. Please be a part. Let us all know, in the comments, if you shared, please. Everybody wants a record, LOL!
Use our Facebook share feature. Thank you.

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