So, how are you going about getting retweets on Twitter? Are the 140-character-counted thoughts those of love, inspiration, motivation, and dreams? Or, is the “Howard Stern-esque” approach working better for you? Oh my goodness, please don't tell me you're one of those folks paying some gum-slapper to market on Twitter for you. Oh no. That is not acceptable.
If you need retweets on Twitter, all a body's gotta do is follow @RetweetLister. It's really that easy. Following him, and having him follow back, this Twitter account will retweet any direct message that's appropriate for younger eyes.
When direct messaging (DM'ing) @RetweetLister, 31 of the characters are already used up from the share of the message. This is because the account shares your message with those connected to him, who also retweet. So, while severely limiting all you might want to say, the account will get your link to the systems of anywhere between 10,000 to 25,000 others. That number will increase, as well, like it's done thus far.
Let's review how to get massive quantities of retweets on Twitter: StepOne - Follow @RetweetLister on Twitter. (There's a free utility listed on the profile page, too. You might like that one.) Step 2 - Once @RetweetLister follows you back, Send direct messages of 109 characters maximum, including (absolutely) absolute links.
No porn, gambling, offensive, abusive, chain-letter, spam or racist links/messages. No auto-responders. @RetweetLister will not tolerate it. You have been warned. We're all grown up enough to know what “offensive” means. “Business opportunities” must be approved by @RetweetLister first. Musicians/other artists encouraged to respond. Account holder reserves all rights to remove any follower from the service, with or without notice or obligation at any time. Account holder also reserves the right to alter, adjust, or change in any way all aspects of this agreement, and any followers sole recourse will be to stop following. Hey. Sometimes, things change.

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