Instead of using Microsoft Office, go over to and download the free OpenOffice suite of utilities and tools. It's 100% free and not just a “trial run.” I'm not even earning anything just for sharing it with you.
Learning about this product won't just save you money, either. It actually works better, in the opinion of many, than Microsoft Office even could. This just happens to be my opinion, as well. My favorite aspect of OpenOffice is how whenever I'm copying and pasting to any other document, there's no need to use Notebook first, to eliminate prompts and commands from Microsoft Office's programming. Frankly, it's amazing people actually paid for something so crappily made, but that's old history anymore.

4 Whaddya Think?:
I'm not a big fan of Word and so when my sons both got laptop computers they downloaded Open Office in order to use their word processor. They had MAJOR glitches and one of them almost lost a really long piece of writing as a result. So we went back to MS Word which is still not my favorite but also not as glitchy.
I haven't encountered a single flaw on OpenOffice that would justify hundreds of dollars for the glitches of Office and Word.
Bleh... I keep Mic Office for the simple reason that I don't use it that often.
I have another freeware program called yWriter that is exactly what I need when I write. ^_^
Blehh...Thank you.
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