Within different given industries, some companies come to realize just how valuable the employees are. Besides the customers, a company's staff are the most valuable people around management. Without them, management would be doing the hard work.
Workers might not always say it, but little things like direct deposit are appreciated. Having to cash, or deposit a paycheck into the local bank is a pain. The occasional overdraft/NSF fee is an unnecessary expense, few can afford.
A small investment in the staff will repay the business owners in more ways than money alone. You'll have somewhat more satisfied employees. Heck, one or two might even thank you openly. On top of these benefits, any company with a growing staff, would want such streamlining of their systems, anyway.
But speaking of money – after all, it is important – I think you'll like the rates charged by First ACH. Give 'em a look, and possibly a try. Once you see the convenience of their service (for everyone involved – that includes the company) you'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago!

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