The following video covers the interview with Sheriff Martin Pace of Warren County, Mississippi shows it's not Louisiana alone, suffering. Sheriff Pace's opening answer of “It's as bad as it gets,” probably surmises the scene for Southern states, better than any reporter could. CNN did a great job by opening with that reply.
Fortunately, thus far anyway, there have been no reports of loss of lives, as in death. But to lose a home, a business, or an entire community, is still a traumatic experience to endure. In the small Mississippi community of Vicksburg in Warren County, Mississippi, the numbers of those fleeing the area is estimated at just over 1700 people impacted by displacement. That's just one county in Mississippi.
Overall, Southern states affected by the flooding will also endure hundreds of millions of dollars in agriculture losses, during the weeks during which the spillway flood-gates of Morganza, Bonnet Carre, and New Madrid stay open. Bonnet Carre is already reporting handling more water than anticipated. With 330 of the 350 bays open, the water capacity is expected to be 250,000 cubic feet of water per second. They're calculating the reality to be 316,000 cubic feet per second. (Fun fact: Each cubic foot contains 7.48 gallons of water. Crunch those numbers, dear readers.)
Sadly, in spite of all that is being endured, Baton Rouge might still flood. Water levels in that city are already at 45 of the 47.5 feet, which would surpass the record set in 1927 flood of 47.3 feet.
Still, there are some reports of good news for Louisiana. Unlike 1973, the last time any spillways needed to be opened, the ground is drier this year. That equates to a slower flow of the released water. While a total of 396 million acres are expected to be flooded, at least those affected, are experiencing a slight delay. In spite of the water's delay, there are still many affected, even now. Please take the time to contribute to your local Red Cross, or Salvation Army. Louisiana, and other Southern states, are in dire need of every American's help.

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