According to a report from the Modesto Bee, Kaczynski is currently serving a sentence in the federal “Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado. In an effort to compensate some of the victims of his bombing attacks, the federal government put his worldly possessions up for sale this last Wednesday, May 18, 2011. It was from this sale, other key pieces of information now point to suspicions against him as the poisoner.
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Copyright: Public Domain
During the sale, the Unabomber Manifesto fetched a bid of $10,000, and his hoodie went for $3,000. But it's a letter he wrote, reminding investigators of initial suspicions, which have investigators requesting his DNA, all these years later. The convicted bomber's family did live in the Chicago area, at the time of the bombing. Other sleuths online have suspected him for years.
In his own defense efforts, Kaczyski wrote the court to stop a part of the auction, which he believes might prove his whereabouts, or some other exonerating information. He states "I have never even possessed any potassium cyanide," While anyone would deserve the chance to defend themselves, let's all wait and see what law enforcement learns.
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