May 23, 2013

Free stock images and pictures images to use for link and credit

I don't mind if you ever happen to find this image useful. All I ask in return is you give me credit and link back to this page. Fair enough?

The area around Meadville, Pennsylvania is rich with scenery, background, texture to spare! Any photographer, artists,painters alike would enjoy working in Meadville, Pennsylvania, 16335. I'm offering the use of any and all of my non-human images for anyone to use anywhere legal. Just remember the credit, copyrights and attribution (link).

Tell everyone you've ever known, loved, or hated. Tell the world. Free non-human images to use in exchange for your site's...Go here for the rest.

(Tweet me to give these folks a million banner views.)

Pain management an issue?

May 19, 2013

Amateur Photography; Barns Around Georgetown, Kentucky

A fellow Bubbler once asked me to grab a few shots of some barns for her. Well, since I'm in Kentucky, there's no better chance to do just that.

The farms around here are amazing, although many of them no longer have what we might call a “barn” but rather, a metal building.

According to what a couple of these old horse farmers (horse ranchers?) around here tell me, the traditional wooden barn is now an endangered species. Most modern horse farms replace old barns with metal buildings and sell the barn-wood to artisans, furniture makers and flooring companies.

So, I guess grabbing a few shots of these old...go here for the rest and some more great pictures.
(Tweet me to give these folks a million banner views.)

Pain management an issue?

Today Is The Day I Must Leave; The Four Reasons

*UPDATE* In spite of my having just posted this earlier, I've encountered a delay. I will be taking off in the morning.

I must make it back up North to take care of some business for myself and for my four children. As much as I hate leaving Louisiana and Janet, I must go on the road for a good length of time. There are – for those of us fortunate enough to really live – sometimes more than it seems we can even do. But do it, we must.

Going from this world and back into that world is not easy. It is hard, lonely, sleepless work. But I have the best of four reasons to do it. I'm a fortunate man and I know it. Besides, I have nothing to fear. I am very well protected and very deeply...For the rest, go here.

(Tweet me to give these folks a million banner views.)

Pain management an issue?

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