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is a multi-talented Contributor. She writes poetry, fiction and other types of articles and has even included some beautiful photographs of Tennessee.
However, without taking away from her other literary work, her recent claim to fame has been her extremely popular and successful Hot News Quickies series. This series came to life on May 7, 2009 and is continuing to flourish, growing bigger and stronger every day. These Quickies are generally are among the most commented articles every day and as a result her page views are soaring like an eagle.
As you read through this interview, I believe you will find a friendly, genuine and down to earth woman who has much to offer beyond Hot News Quickies. Greenhill also is a Contributor who takes the time to frequently comment on other Associated Content Contributor's articles. Before we hear from Greenhill, I will give a plug to some of my personal favorite articles that Greenhill has published on Associated Content. If you have not read them, I urge you to. Here they are:
1) Pride: Whatever Happened to It?
2) The Snowman
3) My Secret Life
4) Associated Content Contributors: Who are We?
Lastly, for these that might I have missed Han Van Meegerin Introduces and Interview Janet Hunt, Janet indicated that Greenhill was the one that led her to Associated Content. So all you Janet Hunt fans have one more reason for being thankful for Greenhill.
Now, Greenhill, now it is your turn. I for one am anxious to learn more about you.
1. When did you discover you had a passion for writing?
I am not sure if passion is the word. I can't actually describe it and I must not be a good writer since I can't come up with the words to explain it! Possibly since the time I realized that if I wrote something down someone might read it.
2. Have you always considered yourself a good a writer?
I still don't know if I'm a good writer or not! I think I am until I read some of the top producers at AC then I feel like I'm not quite adequate! I will never have 3 million page views, but that's ok with me.
3. Who have been your biggest influences in fueling your desire to write and in developing your skills as a writer?
Wow, that's a hard question - do you stay up all night coming up with these questions? I think this is something I've done pretty much on my own and nurtured myself. I'm not easily influenced nor do I like to be told what to do.
4. How did you discover Associated Content?
On a mystery shopping forum believe it or not. There are special websites mystery shoppers use and one section has a list of 'other ways to make money' and there was a thread about AC. I read it and asked a few questions and that's when I signed up.
5. I see your Associated Content Start Date was 11/1/2008, but you did not actually publish anything until 2/12/2009. Was there a reason for the delay?
I signed up, and proceeded to read some articles. The first one I read had so many typos I couldn't read it. The site overwhelmed me and I was totally confused and I decided to move on. I then signed up with IP, which went belly up after a few months. I did pretty well on there, which gave me the courage to try AC again and actually submit an article.
6. I understand you write for a pet blog called Responsible Pet Ownership. Would you share the mission and the history of this blog? Also, feel provide a website address for this blog.
"The Responsible Pet Ownership Blog is dedicated to helping pet owners take good care of their dogs and cats. We provide helpful information on nutrition, health care, training, vacation travel with pets, dog breeds and a variety of other pet-related topics. The blog is sponsored by CANIDAE All Natural Pet Foods."
(Han - on my content page under affiliations is the pet blog name with the link)
7. I read that you own one dog now. What breed is it? Why did you select that dog and/or breed?
Abby is a yellow lab. My parents owned a black lab, my sister owned a black lab, and I knew that was the breed I wanted. We actually went shopping for a black one but they didn't have any. Please don't tell Abby that, her feelings would be hurt!
8. Have the articles that you published more recently out performing your first few published articles?
Yes, definitely.
9. Do you have any articles that standout with exceptionally high or low page views?
The high for me is a just short 4,000 and that was Golden Girls Star Bea Arthur Dead at 84. Also Tax Free Shopping Days just hit 4,200. Lisa Marie Presley is about 3500.
My lowest was Informative Post's Demise at 69, which was my third article at AC. Seems only Janet Hunt and I knew about IP!
10. Which of your published articles on Associated Content are your personal favorites?
Two of them actually tie for my favorite: " Associated Content Contributors: Who Are We?" and "Things I am not allowed to touch, smell or play with". But the Hot News Quickies has taken off and although it is a lot of work 5 days a week I enjoy the challenge and I enjoy reading all the nice comments!
11. As you approach the nine month mark (6 months of actually publishing content) with Associated Content, how would you describe your overall experience as an Associated Content Contributor?
So far overall it has been good in most respects. Early on it was scary and I will say I was ready to throw in they towel many times. If it wasn't for some of my AC buds I would have given up.
12. How has your writing evolved over the course
of your time publishing with Associated Content?...Go here for the rest!

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