Welcome to my blog. You never really know what to expect to find here. Some days, I might think I'm funny. Other days, I'm a little more serious. Sometimes, I'm just sharing a friend with you. Stick around and see what comes up next.
Mar 31, 2011
Moving Janet and I
Not that there's anything wrong with the landlord and management of the Palmetto Creek Apartment Community of DeRidder, Louisiana. They're nice folks, the lawn stays mowed, and the neighbors are excellent. I'm going to sorta miss this apartment, too. But we won't miss the limited floor space. So readers know, we once had our fridge go on the blink, and they put a brand-new fridge in, within three days. That's just how they are.
Everything's turning on in the am, so the online activity today is limited, but I'm meeting the goal for the A to Z Challenge (see previous posts) tomorrow. I just need to click “edit/publish.” Yo.
Mar 30, 2011
Atheism is not the enemy
But, in no way are we free-though inclined types against the idea of churches: As they do serve a purpose of excellent community centers. A church with a playground, and competent staff nearby makes for a fantastic place for children to play during the day. So much so, in fact, many churches find themselves opening up as a daycare, to legally and properly operate as such a facility. How can any atheist in their right mind be against a young family, able to access day-care, and both work?
Let's not forget food. Everything about a church screams “Food!” Even volunteer work helping a church, usually involves food. Get-togethers at churches quickly become pot-luck dinners. Weddings become receptions. Even funerals become a meal together, but maybe not everyone eats.
As the third and final point on why non-believers, whether called atheists or not, are not against churches: Emergencies and disasters. How many more tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricane, or other disasters does society need to see how fast a team of church ladies can get organized? Care packages, emergency blanket packs, and boxes of cookies are what some people live to do for the world. Churches allow that type of emergency-prepared mind-set an organized outlet for expression. We atheists deeply appreciate, and often participate with local churches, for this reason.
We non-believers have often availed ourselves of help from churches at times before. The obvious need for society to keep its churches, especially opposed to bigger bureaucracies from government, is due to such obvious needs the local church serves to fill for the community. There are no plans to ever do away with religion. We only ask public policies and laws reflect reason and sound judgment.
Use the Share tool to send a penny to Japan
Every reader of this post who merely uses the add this feature of this post to share it on their Facebook profile, will contribute towards a penny for Japan. A penny isn't much, I know. But, hear me out: All I'm asking is for readers ( that's you) to share this post with just four others, who do the same. You share me to others, and when they do, you get to be a part of doing some good for decent people.
What happens is, you share us with four others, who share us with four others, each, who all share us with four others each, and so on, and so on until we're shared to millions and millions of readers. That's my goal. For helping me to do just that, I'll show my gratitude with a simple act for a number of people in distress. Is that reasonable enough to win your participation, and perhaps a new reader/follower?
Many of you have already given to Japan, and that is good. I'm not asking for a single cent from readers, in any way. (Nobody representing me here, is, either.) In fact, we're the ones offering to send a cent on your behalf, and on behalf of everyone else, too. This will add up to a considerable contribution to the people of Japan. Please be a part. Let us all know, in the comments, if you shared, please. Everybody wants a record, LOL!
Use our Facebook share feature. Thank you.
Who's up for getting paid to share their blog links?
By the way, it's worth mentioning our community is active. If the blog links, pics, video, or audio (content, from here on out) you share is truly unique, informational, and otherwise interesting, our community members will click through. So, not only will you be paid for telling us about your content, those resulting visitors will earn you what they will, too!
How on Earth could/Why would any content producer of any site, blog, or affiliate program anywhere pass on such an incredible arrangement, right? Well, for starters, there are some folks we'd want to keep out. We don't want to let porn spammers in, and gambling is definitely out. Along with those categories, we'd also want to block all sorts of pyramid scheme bullshitters, also. Oh, and sign-up is easy, quick, and 100% free-with-no-commitment, of course. In a perfect world, there wouldn't even be an email newsletter.
So, knowing what you know now, would you like to share your content with such an arrangement? Of course you would! All that's left now then, is for such a site to exist. It'd rock if there were already thousands and thousands of other members already. Sitting there, waiting for me to join and start earning right away.
So then, were such an opportunity to exist, there wouldn't be much reason to not join immediately, right? Passing on a deal like this is akin to walking past found money on the ground, and not bothering to pick it up. We call this opportunity RedGage.com. We have been improving. Come try us on for size. See how we can help you make more money, online.
In case you missed it, sign up with our referral link.
Mar 29, 2011
If Perez Hilton can do it, what's holding me back?
Still, a blogger like Perez Hilton comes along, and mad page views happen for him. He says something, and folks everywhere share him all over Facebook, or MySpace, or whatever. Somehow, somewhere, some way, I will find the secret to being shared like that. Could the trick be, to be even less intelligent than Perez Hilton, only in my posts? Maybe if all I do is speak in even more ignorant terms, the better of a chance I have to be shared, compared to, and laughed at! Whatever it takes to get the page views from the correct demographics.
If a guy like Perez Hilton can do it, come on! What in the world am I holding back for? My secret might just be to be even more ridiculously pointless. Perhaps even a few cases of running off the point, onto a tangent, every now and again. That's what will keep readers involved. Or, not. Would/Could you just share me on Facebook, please?
Image of Eva Longoria Miraculously Appears on my toast!
Notice, there is no boring look of imagined guilt on Eva Longoria's face. A toast miracle!
Most people are amazed when they imagine an image which, if you twist it just this way and that - and get it in just the right light – you might see a bit of extra toasted area of bread that might look like the edge of the side of someone's nose, and then say it's “Jesus,” or “Mary.” Well if people can get excited over those deals, I should flip over my piece of toast, which has a picture of Eva Longoria.
Not only can you see in the undeniable evidence above, the image is that of Eva Longoria, it is in full color. Apparently, before color, there was black and white. And before there was black and white, everything was in "toast." So, the only pictures we may have of Jesus or Mary come in either “toast and white,” or “paneling.”
Were our miracle an image of Charlie Chaplin, we'd have black and white. Fortunately, our miracle-on-bread is an appearance of a recent celebrity, and being Eva Longoria, we get a full-color miracle, with background. Next, we can only hope for Johnny Depp on a grilled cheese.
Notice also, our vision of the lovely Eva Longoria. Since she was born after the invention of “cool,” we enjoy her striking a rather lovely pose, and looking good. Since Jesus was born before “cool” was invented, all he really does in his toast and white pictures and post-cards is just stand there, looking at you, and tasting delicious. But an Eva Longoria miracle might be worth keeping.
There's no way Ebay is getting anything other than prints of my appearance-on-toast. If, for any reason, the photo isn't visible at the start of this post, see it here!
What Would it be Like to be ReTweeted by @50Cent on Twitter?
What on Earth can I offer Curtis Jackson, aka @50Cent? Some fun reading. A recipe or three. Stories about my kids. That's really about it. I hope he'd enjoy reading them, too. This would be an easy way for someone as influential as @50Cent to give back. Much like how he saw the music industry out of a bad situation, I see my blog.
Here's to future readers helping me ask @50Cent to retweet me me just once as a fan, and allow me the chance to write for the people's entertainment and education. All I need is one chance. From there, I make it or break it, on my own.
Nihil timendum est.
A Hat-Tip to my fellow bloggers in the April A to Z Blogging challenge
- Jen Daiker @ Unedited
- Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
- Talli Roland
- Calvin's Canadian Cave Of Coolness
- Ellie Garratt
- Jamie (Mithril Wisdom)
- Liz @ 8-Bit Words
- welcome to my world of poetry
- EllasEdge
- Chris Verstraete, Candid Canine
- Katie O'Sullivan
- Jayne at A Novice Novelist
- On. . .
- Damyanti@ Daily (w)rite
- Bish Denham
- I see you see
- Nicole Ducleroir
- Cheekyness
- Sandra Ulbrich Almazan
- Jessica Bell (The Alliterative Allomorph)
- Stephen Tremp
- My First Book
- Clarissa Draper
- Hannah Kincade
- That Girl From Around The Bay
- Jules @ Trying to get over the Rainbow
- Scifi Media
- Talei Loto
- Marian Allen
- Cherie Reich
- Jennifer Hoffine
- Jennee @ Cheap Therapy
- Trevor @ Love in the Truth
- Gospel-driven Disciples (Gregg Metcalf)
- Coming Down the Mountain: KarenG
- Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines
- Sometimes, The Wheel Is On Fire
- Fresh
- A. B. Keuser
- N. R. Williams
- L. A. Colvin
- Amy Saia
- Writers' Ally aka SA Larsen
- Confessions of a Watery Tart
- Life, Writing, & Miscellany
- Michael @ In Time . . .
- Rosalind Adam
- BeadedBear's Nonsense and Complete Waste of Time
- lot of nothing
- The Pinkk Zebraa
- Angelina Rain
- Witless Exposition
- Life is too short to be anything but happy
- Raquel Byrnes, Edge of Your Seat Romance
- a day into the writer
- Wendy Tyler Ryan
- Tyrean's Writing Spot
- Kari Marie
- Donea Lee @ The QoP
- Lynda RYoung
- Ann Best at Long Journey Home
- L'Aussie Travel
- Chaka's World
- Inkpots N'Quills
- A Muse In My Pocket
- Catenabi Chronicles
- Myne Whitman Writes
- Patricia Stoltey
- Paul Joseph
- My Poetry and Prose Place
- Heather M. Gardner
- Still Waters
- My Pet Blog
- Count me in Alex! I may not perfect it but like it
- Samantha Verant
- Brits in the USA
- "Blabbin' Grammy"
- Lisa Galek @ Read. Write. Repeat.
- Educationtipster: K. Stemke
- Grits and Groceies
- East for Green Eyes
- Shelley F. Batt
- Ric's Reviews
- Junebug's Musings
- Eric @ Working My Muse
- DiscConnected
- By Niky
- Gems and Rhinestones
- The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
- Elizabeth Mueller
- Cultural Compulsive Disorder
- DJ GlenMC gonna try this again. . . : )
- The Willy Wonka Experience
- Karen's World
- Shannon McMahon
- Will Burke
- Elizabeth McKenzie
- A Shift in Dimensions
- Life Lessons
- Larri @ Seams Inspired
- Unbound
- Geoff's Blogs
- Rachel Carter
- a-z blogging
- Dee @ Soul Prints
- Amy @ If Blogging
- Rags by Sock Monkey
- Olivia J. Herrell
- Trying for Words
- This Little Light
- J. L. Campbell
- Ciara Knight
- Aine Tierney
- Melissa's Imaginarium
- People watch: Hannah Roderick
- Sixty Is Just The Beginning!
- Hilary's Positive Letters + Inspirational Stories
- Rachel Blackbirdsong
- The Watered Soul
- Daily drama of an aspiring writer
- Crystal Mary. Boys Need To Be Blessed.
- J. Leigh Bailey
- Coffee Rings Everywhere
- Wagging Tales
- Apocalypse Now
- Barbie @ My Freshly Brewed Life
- Stacey @ Morning By Morning
- Snapshots of Bombay
- Hope
- karenfollowingthewhispers. blogspot. com
- Martin T. Ingham, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Writer
- Leo from I Rhyme Without Reason
- RaShelle Workman
- Tell Great Stories - Sommer Leigh
- What's so Random?
- The Kelworth Files
- Darlene @ Things I'll Forget by Tomorrow
- Inkpots n' Quills
- randomness with the whitings
- Jim Bronyaur
- Tina @ Life is Good
- ananda bliss blog
- Everything Emerald
- Lindz
- KjM - on the web
- Dan at Sanguine Musings
- Catch The Rush
- Jumping Aground
- Spirited Haway: stories from Japan
- Jon's Life.
- Jennie Bailey
- Putting Pen To Paper
- The Flying Cheetah
- Kids, Cats, Clutter, and Klutz
- Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe
- Wistfulgirl's World
- Elizabeth Twist
- The Random Thoughts of Chippy
- Rachael Harrie @ Rach Writes. . .
- Eileen Wiedbrauk @ Speak Coffee to Me
- Beads & Books
- Writer Person
- Inner Threads
- Alison Pearce Stevens
- For those seeking knowledge here are invaluable wo
- Crazy Jane
- Roundheads and Ramblings
- My Journey through the pages by Patricia Lynne
- On The Subject of Being Awesome
- Windy Ribbons
- Whimsy, Writing, and Reading
- Madeleine
- Margo Kelly
- Carol's Corner
- ELAINE@ Wordsmithing
- Cupcakes And Cappuccinos ~Memoirs Of An Imperfect
- Sue, published author and observer of life
- Nahno McLein
- prettykittydogmoonjewelry. blogspot. com/
- Corinne OFlynn
- Studio Nightshade--My Serial Life
- TheContemplativeCatContinues
- Erin Kane Spock
- HalloweenOverkill
- At Split Ends
- Allison Writes
- M Pax @ Wistful Nebulae
- Rachel Morgan Writes
- Susan Says
- From Sarah, With Joy: a blog about being a writer
- 1 Wasabi Mommy
- Niki @ Wool'n'Nuts
- Marieke's Musings
- Every head I've had the pleasure to have known
- Summer Ross
- Pamela Jo at There's Just Life
- Geek Twins
- Memoirs of a Writer
- Raising Marshmallows
- Peter Jordan Discusses
- Yolk: A blog about eggs and sperm
- The Misadventures In Candyland
- The Open Vein by E. J. Wesley
- Emerald City
- Jen Chandler
- Fixing Madison
- Thoughts, Musings and Broken Promises
- Chenoa Fawn @ Sibylline Syllables
- Style is Not Just a Black Suit
- Canadian Blogger Girl
- Queen Bee from Blue Line Farm and Apiary
- Black Ink Pad
- Bobs Home for Writing
- Box o Whine
- Giggles and Guns
- This Journey called Life
- The Life of a Novice Writer
- Lisa Ricard Claro-Writing in the Buff
- Memphis Writes!
- The Rainy Day Wanderer
- Notes Along the Way, writing, art, and travel blog
- Blue, Purple, and Scarlett
- Meika @ Waiting on the Muse
- Cindy @ *She Sparkles#
- Trisha @ W O R D + S T U F F
- The Aspiring Sub-creator
- Wakelas World
- begin. . . begin again
- Madison Woods
- Amy@ FloweryFashion
- Loralie @ Apathys Hero
- Susan @ Wiggle Room
- Walk2Write in Florida
- SheilaScribbles
- Steven Chapman (writer)
- Emilys Playhouse
- Life by Chocolate
- Penned Pebbles
- Celery Tree
- The Process of C.
- Michelle in a shell
- LanaD@ SoberChronicFabulous
- For the Love of. . . .
- Tiptoe Kisses
- mainewords
- KC Kendricks Between the Keys
- Blue Blithers
- Porkys Expanse!
- Tizzy @ Impossible Dreams
- jeanne@ Captive Audience
- Lessons from My Reading
- J. D. Browns Blog
- Fiction and Film
- Just My Type
- Austin James Here
- Life in Clarity
- Lunching on Lamias
- Life on the Muskoka River
- Pauls´s Bods
- Wordy Living in Belfast
- Penwasser Place
- The Other Side
- The Woman Condition
- Axe & Hammer
- Occams Samurai Sword
- Stay On Target!
- Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
- Its All a Matter of Perspective
- Places to Go, People to Be
- Jeans scribbles
- Cradle of Rabies - From Role to Games
- Annmaree - Emu Creations
- Lisa Aldin: Dear Novel. . .
- sixtyfivewhatnow
- Friend Grief
- Stephanie V
- A Character For Every Game - an RPG blog with maps
- Michelle Julian @ Writing Possibilities. . .
- Soooz Says Stuff
- Belle Wong
- Home in the Hollow
- Kates Book Nook
- Michelle Gregory@ beautiful chaos
- Inside My Head
- Bev@ My Readers Block
- Just Twaddle
- Greg a. k. a. Shinobicow - The Dump Stat
- JesiMarie @ This is a Blog
- Blog Book Tours
- Creepy Query Girl
- I Refuse To Go Quietly!
- Freckles & Faith
- Red Boot Pearl
- Scribble & Scatter
- Justified Lunacy
- Becky Taylor
- Faith @ Literary Coldcuts on Toasty Buns
- Julie Jordan Scotts Julie Unplugged
- Tessa Conte
- me and my thinking cap
- Melissa J Cunningham
- Dawn Embers
- Shannons Book Bag
- Melissa Sarno
- Claudie A.
- La FotografÃa Efectista Abstracta. Fotos Abstracta
- My Writing Blog
- Elsi @ Pasticcio
- Whats up with Michelle?
- The Writing Nut
- Flash Fiction
- Tower of the Archmage
- WRITE WILD: On Picture Books. On Writing. On Life.
- Romancing the Blog
- Gabriela Lessa - An Aspiring Writers World
- Indie Book Blog
- Jen @ Whats On The Bookshelf
- Beths Blog
- The Armchair Squid
- Gems and Rhinestones
- Experimenting Poetry Forms !!
- cat@ composingcat
- Yellow Matter Custard
- Halloween Blues
- House of Happy
- Milo James Fowler
- The Lands of Ara Old-School Gaming Blog
- Older Mommy, Still Yummy
- Haley Johnston
- Cleveland Dietz II @ Everything in a Second
- French Elegant Jewelry
- Back From the WorldExpat in Singapore with Child
- Rekha @ Achronicleofdreams
- Page Turning
- Writing with Debra
- Finding Bliss
- Liz Fichera
- Poe Family Blog
- Time for a Bucket List
- Open the Toy
- English Speaking Zone
- Reach for the Sky
- Julsbeads
- Razzys Corner
- Our Life Adventures
- Life of rescued pound puppies
- Suzanne @ Blue Sand Studio
- mEthOdiCal MAdneSS
- Secretaries Secrets
- Jerbehs Blog of Whatnot
- Better is Possible
- Little Plastic Man
- My Life
- Carlas Writing World
- From These Hollows
- Castles in the Air
- Not Quite Superhuman
- Heidi Windmiller @ then she writes
- Inspiration, Art and Creativity
- Oak Lawn Images-Photo Greeting Cards & Prints
- Two Shoes in Texas
- The ramblings & obsessions of a fishermans wife!
- True Epicure Says
- Graphomaniac
- Dropped Stitches
- Stephanie Thornton
- Sage
- Our Life, Plain and Simple
- Anne K. Albert
- The Regal Renegade
- Wicked Stepmother
- Paranormal Passions
- Legos and Lightsabers
- Between The Lines
- Lacers Life
- Wanna buy a duck
- Our home called Kuantan
- Daily Dodo
- Follow Your Gnose
- Writing on Hayling
- Thats Ahhsome
- Woman Wielding Words
- Shade of the Morning Sun
- wicklessandscented4ever@ gmail. com
- My bric-a-brac
- An de walls came tumblin down
- The City of Iron
- Karla at The Writing Pad
- Vikki @ Reflections In A Wave Pool
- The Lunch Box
- Breakfast Every Hour
- Hanna la Kiw
- Today I think. . .
- Melodys Musings
- Dry Humor Daily
- Her World
- Bards and Prophets
- Stephanie @ Scribbler to Scribe
- Words World and Wings (Catherine)
- Spann of Time
- The Book Gatherer
- Coming Back Into Life
- Unloading my Brain to Fill it Again
- Armorian Empire Trilogy
- A Helicopter Mom
- writercize
- And so the story goes. . .
- Author India Drummond
- A Cluttered Mind
- Tiffani @ Thoughts From Tiffani
- Holly Ruggiero
- hip chick
- Bob Sanchez
- Jeffrey Pierce
- Palace of Twelve Pillars
- Daily Journey
- Creatively Spilt Ink
- A Story Book World. Authors, Agents & Editors O My
- Food and Fond Memories
- The Artistry Collective
- Mama Chocolate
- The Guardian Writer
- ali cross
- Pawnys Pen
- My Next 20 Years of Living
- A Piece of My Mind
- Anastasia V. Pergakis
- Paula Martins Potpourri
- Claires writing log
- InspiredbyLisa
- No Clever Craft
- adreamygal
- SwimWriteRun
- Upwards Over the Mountain
- Time To Spare
- The making of a Moaner
- Formula Mom
- AlexWorld
- African love
- Mercys World
- Rogues Home Cooked
- The Writer Coaster
- A Possessed WIP
- M. P. McDonald Has the Write Stuff
- Strategic Chic
- Gladiators Pen
- Creative Chatter
- BecomingB Brea
- Kelly - My Voice, My View
- Jack Edwards Poetry
- The Ramblings of Charlie Brown
- Monica-Marie A Work In Progress
- Get Fit Senior
- Choice was an extravagance
- The Blog Of Fascination
- Charlene Blogs
- Making of Prince
- This sounds challenging. Im in!
- Thebluestbutterfly
- Connecting the Dots
- Nia Raie: Life in Retrospect
- The Non-Review
- Fredas Voice
- Stephanie Haefner @ The Writers Cocoon
- Toni @ nzreader
- Odd Ramblings
- The Write Soil - Writing Exercises
- C. E. Wood Inspired
- GailMBaugniet
- Jims Girl Family History Blog
- Marcus Writing Investigated
- Jaydee Morgan
- castaboldeye
- Taliesin
- Carey @ Whole in Him
- Random Writings
- Fifi Flowers
- Nicki Elsons Not-So-Deep Thoughts
- Dorothy Evans
- Sharon Mayhew
- The 9 and 30 Kingdoms rpg blog
- Pondering through Life~ River
- A Coffee Driven & Adventure Bound Life
- God Brought Me Here For A Reason
- Thoughts and Perception
- Me and My Huggybear
- Living Life To The Fullest
- Wagging Tales
- Moody Writing
- Sword+1
- Pocketful of Playdough
- 10 minutes 2 breathe
- Chary Johnson Bronx Tales & Inner Musings
- A Mothers Touch
- Action Typist
- Gaming All Over The Place
- Spunk On A Stick
- A*Musings by Shelli Proffitt Howells
- B/X Blackrazor
- Madi N Makayla
- OtherWaysOfWriting
- Little Red Henry
- The Jovial Priest
- The E. C. Bunch
- Quill or Pill - a blog on writing and pharmacy
- Debs Morning Pages
- Seeds of Encouragement for Christian Writers
- SuddenAlarmofDonkeys
- Debs Morning Pages
- Blush of Dawn
- Lloyd of Gamebooks
- Enjoy Birth
- RedwaldRPG
- Reel Film Talk
- Shah @ WordsinSync
- Laura Pauling
- Word Doodles
- Christine Bryant @ Day Dreamer
- =]V[= Brew Log
- My Bits and Bleeps
- Chasing Dreams
- The Saga of the Concrete Jungle
- They say Everyone has a Story. . .
- Anniee451 PurelyPolitics
- So-Cal Library Connection
- Martha
- Marie Annes Missives
- Debbie & Harrys Kitchen
- International Woman
- Adler James
- Clew at Clews Blues
- Tales of a Sloth
- Tamara Writes. .
- Huntress @ Spirit Called
- Hollys Crafts Blog
- Finding My Life in Faith
- Necessity Breeds Creativity
- Sand Castles and Snow Forts
- Encouraging Sweetness
- The Frustrated Foodie
- Callie Leuck
- Mary Brebner
- Lucy Adams
- A Hootie Hoot
- Wisdom Virtue and Rubies
- Can U Relate
- Writing in Wonderland
- life of riles
- No Write or Wrong
- Write at Home with Kelly
- Off The Record With Debbie And Tony
- The Caffeine Coquette
- Distracted by Shiny Things
- Live Love Longacre
- Ruth Welcome to Me
- Book Dreaming
- Julie @ The Climb
- My musing on psychology and stuff
- Weaving a Tale of Two
- Unvlmom Writes at Curtain Journey
- Unionvale Homeschool
- Templetons fury
- This, That. . . The Other Thing
- Paul Anthony Shortt @ Coffee Thoughts
- Mish@ Writer~In~Transit
- bendedspoon
- Jingle
- FlutterFriends
- Rasz Art
- Giggle, Laugh, Cry
- Fuego, metal y color
- Ellas Blog : D
- The Tales of Sirius the Dragon
- Outsmarting Aging
- One Meal Each Day
- Foovays Cauldron
- Free Printable Coloring Pages Blog
- Emma @ The Voices in my Head
- The Adventures of Nubby Tongue
- Unique and Funky Gifts
- Pawnys Pen -- ignore previous entry
- Other Ways of Writing
- Laugh Quotes
- Jonathan Green, Author
- Angeline Trevena
- Trisha Leaver
- Mara Nash
- Ellen Brickley
- Dafeenah
- Attack of the Foodies!!!
- T. C. Mckee
- A Fleeting Moment
- Kristine Asselin, Writing. For Real.
- Everything you didnt want to know about writing.
- Emma Krrys Notebook
- Alison Runham
- Cre8tiv Glory
- Fur Will Fly
- Write, Wrong or Indifferent
- In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow
- Every Day Crochet
- Women and Words
- Princess of Procrastination
- Mandarin Blue
- Under The Trolls Bridge
- RG Senechal
- Linda Faulkner
- Author Exchange Blog
- Sherrie(Just Books)
- Julie @ WhatElseIsPossible?
- Soul Seeking Mama
- The Giraffability of Digressions
- All Eighties, All The Time
- onebaddate- adventures of a single girl
- Hearth Cricket
- RJRDaydreamer
- Cathy, lost and found
- Quilthexles World / Frauke
- Spacerguy
- Small Things Honored
- Small Things Honored
- RuthieTootie Wishes
- Widowsphere:
- Jeanmarie Anaya. . . Writer in Progress
- Old School Heretic
- Nofretiris Dream Of Writing
- Jolly@ SouthernKiwiChick
- Edited to Within an Inch of My Life
- Karma Is. . .
- Word Grrls
- Conversations with Kylie D
- LuAnns Writing on the Wall
- Down the Muses Path
- Bakers & Artists
- A Season for All Things
- DonPennington. info
- Whitney Inspired
- Random Thoughts By Danni
- Arkansas Homeschoolers
- A Fat Girls Reality
- The Precocious Scribe
- Pop Culture Punch
- Nickers and Ink
- Akbar the Tentmaker
- Content for Foodies Blog
- Recipes That Please With Ease
- Scented Weddings
- The World of Julie B
- Mother Morgan, May I?
- Krista D. Ball
- Gotta Do Disney!
- Secrets about Secrets by Sylvie Branch
- A Time To Shine
- Gods Imperfect Princess Says
- Musings of a Wanna-Be Writer
- Langley Writes About Writing
- A Rich and Random Life
- On The Subject Of Being Speshul
- Author Site: Conceiving, Believing and Achieving
- Lisha Cauthen @ The Imaginal Realm
- Nesting: Ramblings from a stay at home mom
- Left Brained by Day; Write Brained - All The Time
- Not Just Another Mother Blogger!
- I Made It Through The Rain
- Practically at Home
- The Mane Point
- My Heart Blogs To You
- Who said being random was bad?
- Montessori Writer
- Montessori Writers Thoughts
- Andis Gardening Experiments
- Empty Nest Insider
- goodselfme
- Porter Productions
- The Ramblings of Krazy Kendall
- RodneySouthernSays
- Solitary Mama
- Joanna in Victoria
- Momfessionals
- Brooke Lorren - World Competes
- Brooke Lorren - The World Around Us
- Ravings Ramblings and Rants
- Ravings Ramblings and Rants(the right link)
- Tara Tyler Talks =)
- Yamini Meduri
- Theres Dungeons Down Under
- B. Miller Fiction
- Momtrepreneur Moments
- Article Writer For Hire
- Write W. A. V. E. Media
- Poverty and Homelessness
- a-9ja-great
- Tales Of the TollHouse Cookie
- Barking Alien
- The Art of Being Ness
- R. C. s Twin Cities Beat
- With Flowers In Your Hair. . .
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- Interesting concept! I am up for the challenge.
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